Today I'm going write about the most incredible city I have ever been, New York. As I told you before, I lived in US for 5 months. The 4 four first months working and the 5th month(grace period) "I could do whatever I wanted" but work. In US I made some great friens. The curious fact was that I got along much better with Argentineans than with the Brazilians there. It's generally thought that Brazilians and Argentinians don't like each other. Actually, we are just rivals when it comes to soccer, we just don't admit to lose for them... ops, I'm digressing, the post is about NY. I think I just got carried away!!! Anyway, Lisandro(my Argentinian friend) and I decided to go to New York. Lisandro would go back to Argentina before my grace period starts. At first, the plan was to go with other friends but they couldn't come. Anyway, the idea was to spend less money as possible and enjoy as much as we could. To make it possible we would go to NY by bus, stay in a hostel, eat fast food... to do whatever was possible to have a great time and not to spend much money. We made online reservations to the hostel and packed our stuff, we only took a backpack with us. We stayed there only for two days. What an incredible city!!! Skyscrapers, large roads, lights everywhere... In a two-days trip we were running out of time, there are too many amazing places to visit but not enough time for it. We visited the Statue of Liberty, Madison Square Garden, Central Park, the Empire State Building among other places. The downside of the trip was the night we spent there. The hostel (30$/night) was such a lousy place... I was expecting something bad but that was way too much. 12 beds in a room, 1 bathroom for all, crazy people shouting during the night... awful!!! In spite of that, we spent a great time there. I strongly recomend a visit to New York, you won't regret for that!!!
wow, i've never been in US and I like to go there and see staute of Liberty in NY. i think US should be very different from Canada.
I agree that New York is the most incredible city! Even though it's a long time since I've been there I remember I was so amazed about everything and liked it a lot. Calgary is a village compared to NY!
That's cool that you lived in the State for a while. I'm going to New York this spring. I can't wait!
I am totally agree with you and this is one of my wishes to visit Newyourk and actually stay there. I have never been there. however, i am almost in love with NY.
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